Legal & Tax Alerts

Please find below our latest Legislative Newsletters (Romanian & English), outlining recent developments in the Romanian legislation.
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In this respect, please read our confidentiality terms.

Legal / Tax Alerts & News contain a selection of the latest major issues occurred in the Romanian legislative framework, is intended only to provide information and, hence, shall not be deemed to provide professional advice or consultancy. Therefore, we assume no responsibility in this respect. Should you require any information related to the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Legal News / June 17, 2024

Increment of the gross national minimum base wage guaranteed for payment / Majorarea salariului de baza minim brut pe tara garantat in plata

 Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_17-06-24 RO_EN

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Legal News / March 26, 2024

New obligation for employers: implementing an anti-harassment policy / Obligatie noua pentru angajatori: implementarea unei politici anti-hartuire

 Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_26-03-24 RO_EN

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Legal News / January 18, 2024

New obligations for the electronic commerce / Noi obligatii pentru operatorii economici care desfasoara activitate în mediul online

 Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_18-01-24 RO_EN

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Legal News / September 29, 2023

Increment of the gross national minimum base wage guaranteed for payment / Majorarea salariului de baza minim brut pe tara garantat in plata

 Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_29-09-23 RO_EN

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Legal News / February 7, 2023

Tax record. Tax payers. Recorded deeds / Cazier fiscal. Contribuabili. Fapte inscrise

 Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_07-02-23 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 15 / December 20, 2022

Law on the protection of whistleblowers in the public interest  / Legea privind protectia avertizorilor in interes public

 15_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_20-12-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 14 / December 19, 2022

Increment of the gross national minimum base wage / Majorarea salariului de baza minim brut pe tara garantat in plata

 14_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_19-12-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 13 / December 9, 2022

The framework template for individual employment contracts: main amendments / Noul model – cadru al contractului individual de munca: principalele modificari

 13_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_09-12-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 12 / December 8, 2022

Stimulation of the business environment: new legal provisions and procedural simplification / Stimularea mediului de afaceri: noi dispozitii legale si simplificare proceduri

 12_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_08-12-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 11 / December 6, 2022

Classification of occupations in Romania (COR). New occupations / Clasificarea ocupatiilor din Romania (COR). Noi ocupatii

 11_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_06-12-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 10 / November 24, 2022

Upcoming important changes to Romanian companies’ law / Schimbari importante aduse legii societatilor

 10_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_24-11-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 9 / November 4, 2022

New rules: Employment and secondment of foreigners in Romania / Noi reguli: Incadrarea in munca si detasarea strainilor in Romania

 09_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_04-11-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 8 / October 20, 2022

New legislative changes of the Labor Code / Noi modificări legislative ale Codului Muncii

 08_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_20-10-2022_RO

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Legal News – No. 7 / September 9, 2022

Representative offices of foreign companies & economic organizations in Romania: New legal framework on authorization and functioning / Reprezentantele societatilor si organizatiilor economice straine in Romania: Cadru legal nou privind autorizarea si functionarea

 07_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_09-09-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 6 / August 18, 2022

New legal provisions on European crowdfunding service providers for business / Noi dispozitii legale privind furnizorii europeni de servicii crowdfunding pentru afaceri

 06_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_18-08-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 5 / May 17, 2022

Legislative amendments on the consumer protection field / Noutati legislative in domeniul protectiei consumatorului

 05_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_17-05-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 4 / May 16, 2022

Legislative amendments on transnational posting / Noutati legislative privind detasarea transnationala

 04_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_16-05-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 3 / April 29, 2022

New obligations in the field of preventing and combating money laundering and terrorism financing / Noi obligatii in materia prevenirii si combaterii spalarii banilor si finantarii terorismului

 03_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_29-04-22 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 2 / March 10, 2022

Lifting the state of alert in Romania starting with March 9th, 2022 / Ridicarea starii de alerta in Romania incepand cu 9 martie 2022

 02_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_10-03-21 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 1 / 6 January 2022

Recovery and resolution of credit institutions and of investment companies / Redresarea şi rezoluţia instituţiilor de credit şi a firmelor de investiţii

 01_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_06-01-22 RO_EN


Legal News – No. 16 / 30 December 2021

Contracts for the sale of goods. Associated warranties. Important legislative changes / Contracte de vanzare de bunuri. Garantii asociate. Modificari legislative importante

 16_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_30-12-21_RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 15 / 30 December 2021

Taxation: Most recent extensive amendments / Fiscalitate: Modificari de ultima ora

 15_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_30-12-21 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 14 / 12 October 2021

Important legislative changes of the Labor Code / Modificări legislative importante ale Codului Muncii

 14_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_12-10-21 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 13 / 11 October 2021

Increment of the gross national minimum base wage guaranteed for payment / Majorarea salariului de baza minim brut pe tara  garantat in plata

 13_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_11-10-21 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 12 / 20 September 2021

Closer to the deadline for fulfilling the legal obligation of declaring the real beneficiary of the business / Apropierea termenului legal (01.10.2021) privind indeplinirea obligatiei declararii beneficiarului real al afacerii

 12_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_20-09-21 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 11 / 1 September 2021

Noutati privind regimul deseurilor

 11_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_01-09-21 RO

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Legal News – No. 10 / 11 May 2021

Digitization of Labor Relations. Teleworking. Job Description / Digitalizarea raporturilor de munca, telemunca si fisa postului

 10_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_11-05-21 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 9 / 5 May 2021

Legislative changes regarding the legal obligation of declaring the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO declaration) / Modificari legislative de ultima ora privind obligatia legala a declararii beneficiarului real al afacerii

 09_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_05-05-21 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 8 / 6 April 2021

Changes on the working time reduction measure (Kurzarbeit) / Modificari asupra masurii de reducere a timpului de munca (Kurzarbeit)

 08_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_06-04-21 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 7 / 5 April 2021

Online intermediation services – Equity and transparency, Penalties / Servicii intermediere online – Echitate si transparenta, sanctiuni

 07_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_05-04-21 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 6 / 1 April 2021

Tax facilities. Changes of the deadlines & implementation dates / Facilitati fiscale. Modificari termene de aplicare

 06_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_01-04-21 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 5 / 31 March 2021

New rules in trading land in Romania / Noi prevederi privind tranzactionarea terenurilor in Romania

 05_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_31-03-21 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 4 / 15 March 2021

Noile Norme de aplicare privind prevenirea și combaterea spălării banilor

 04_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_15-03-21 RO

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Tax Alert – No. 3 / 1 March 2021

Latest legislative clarifications of some aspects susceptible of misinterpretation / Clarificari legislative de ultima ora asupra unor aspecte susceptibile de interpretari eronate

 03_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_01-03-21 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 2 / 5 January 2021

New financial and fiscal measures to protect the business environment / Noi masuri economice si fiscale adresate mediului de afaceri

 02_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_05-01-21 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 1 / 4 January 2021

Prelungirea masurilor de sprijin pentru angajatori si salariati dupa 1 ianuarie 2021

 01_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_04-01-21 RO

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Tax Alert – No. 65 / 24 December 2020

Various important changes recently brought in the tax field / Modificari importante aduse domeniului fiscalitatii

 65_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_24-12-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 64 / 4 December 2020

Noi reglementari privind asociatiile si fundatiile

 64_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_04-12-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 63 / 8 November 2020

Important amendments: Organizing the work schedule and Teleworking during the state of alert / Modificari importante: Organizarea programului de lucru si telemunca pe perioada starii de alerta

 63_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_08-11-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 62 / 5 November 2020

Free days for parents and clarifications regarding the granting of financial support for telework / Zile libere pentru parinti si clarificari privind acordarea sprijinului financiar pentru telemunca

 62_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_05-11-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 61 / 3 November 2020

Simplification of procedure for the transfer of shares and other amendments to the Companies Law / Simplificarea procedurilor de transfer ale partilor sociale si alte modificari aduse Legii Societatilor

 61_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_03-11-20 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 60 / 27 October 2020

Masuri fiscale aditionale pentru protejarea mediului de afaceri si a sistemului economic

 60_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_27-10-20 RO

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Noi modificari si completari privind Codul Muncii

 59_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_03-10-20 RO

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Legal News – No. 58 / 24 September 2020

Avocatii primesc perogative extinse in asistenta clientilor

 58_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_24-09-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 57 / 11 September 2020

Noi reglementari privind gestionarea deseurilor nepericuloase compostabile

 57_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_11-09-20 RO

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Legal News – No. 56 / 10 September 2020

Procedure for settlement and payment of amounts granted as support measures for employers and employees / Procedura de decontare si de plata a sumelor acordate ca masuri de sprijin pentru angajatori si salariati

 56_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_10-09-20 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 55 / 8 September 2020

Tax benefits granted to companies to stimulate the growth of equity / Beneficii fiscale acordate companiilor pentru stimularea creșterii capitalurilor proprii

 55_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_08-09-20 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 54 / 26 August 2020

Amendments to the law on the posting of employees in the framework of the transnational provision of services / Modificari aduse legii privind detasarea salariatilor in cadrul prestarii de servicii transnationale

 54_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_26-08-20 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 53 / 25 August 2020

Modificari referitoare la tranzactionarea terenurilor agricole

 53_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_25-08-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 52 / 25 August 2020

Workplace moral harassment / Hartuirea morala la locul de munca

 52_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_25-08-20 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 51 / 12 August 2020

Noi prevederi in domeniul financiar – bancar cu privire la operatiunile intre rezidenti

 51_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_12-08-20 RO

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Legal News – No. 50 / 12 August 2020

Support measures for employees and employers / Masuri de sprijin pentru angajati si angajatori

 50_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_12-08-20 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 49 / 24 July 2020

Principalele modificari aduse Legii 129 / 2019 pentru prevenirea si combaterea spalarii banilor si finantarii terorismului, precum si pentru modificarea si completarea unor acte normative

 49_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_24-07-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 48 / 13 July 2020

Ordinul 1150 / 2020 privind procedura vizei anuale a autorizatiei de mediu si a autorizatiei integrate de mediu

 48_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_13-07-20 RO

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Legal News – No. 47 / 3 July 2020

New regulations simplifying the companies’ establishment procedure & change of the registered office address / Noi reglementari pentru simplificarea infiintarii societatilor si schimbarii sediului social

 47_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_03-07-20 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 46 / 29 June 2020

Supplement of fiscal measures aiming to support economic operators. Deferral of certain deadlines / Completare masuri fiscale destinate sustinerii operatorilor economici. Prorogarea unor termene

 46_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_29-06-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 45 / 18 June 2020

Government Decision 476 / 2020: Extension of the state of alert at national level, and main measures adopted // Hotararea de Guvern 476 / 2020: Prelungirea starii de alerta la nivel national si principalele masuri adoptate

 45_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_18-06-20 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 44 / 12 June 2020

New measures adopted by the National Committee for Emergency Situations / Noi măsuri adoptate de Comitetul Național pentru Situații de Urgență

 44_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_12-06-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 43 / 31 May 2020

New economic measures for employees & employers / Noi măsuri economice pentru angajați și angajatori

 43_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_31-05-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 42 / 26 May 2020

Facilități fiscale acordate de Administrația Fondului pentru Mediu

 42_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_26-05-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 41 / 21 May 2020

Postponement of the rent payment during the state of emergency. Other fiscal incentives / Amânarea plății chiriilor pe durata stării de urgență. Alte facilități fiscale

 41_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_21-05-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 40 / 19 May 2020

Government Decision 394 / 2020. State of alert at national level. Main measures adopted  /  Hotararea de Guvern 394 / 2020. Instituire stare de alerta la nivel national. Principalele masuri adoptate

 40_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_19-05-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 39 / 18 May 2020

Extension of deadline for submitting the statement on the real beneficiary (UBO). Other amendments regarding the activity of the Trade Register Office / Prelungire termen de depunere a declaratiei privind beneficiarul real (UBO). Alte schimbari privind activitatea Oficiului Registrului Comertului

 39_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_18-05-20 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 38 / 18 May 2020

New measures to protect the business environment and the economic system / Noi masuri pentru protejarea mediului de afaceri si a sistemului economic

 38_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_18-05-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 37 / 16 May 2020

The main measures adopted by the Decision establishing the state of alert at national level / Principalele masuri adoptate de Hotararea prin care a fost instituita starea de alerta la nivel national

 37_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_16-05-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 36 / 16 May 2020

State of alert. Key measures recently adopted / Stare de alerta. Principalele masuri adoptate

 36_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_16-05-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 35 / 14 May 2020

Aspecte importante privind inregistrarea Producatorilor de Echipamente electrice si electronice in Registrul National al Producatorilor de Echipamente Electrice si Electronice

 35_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_14-05-20 RO

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Legal News – No. 34 / 9 May 2020

New legislative measures. General meetings of the company statutory bodies / Noi masuri legislative. Desfasurarea adunarilor organelor statutare societare

 34_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_09-05-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 33 / 6 May 2020

Procedura de inregistrare pentru depunerea online a declaratiilor la Fondul de Mediu

 33_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_06-05-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 32 / 5 May 2020

Depunerea declaratiilor la Administratia Fondului pentru Mediu – o obligație fiscala ce nu trebuie ignorata!

 32_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_05-05-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 31 / 27 April 2020

RECENT LEGAL TOPICS – Is the dismissal of a pregnant woman allowed? /  TEME JURIDICE ACTUALE – Este permisă concedierea unei femei gravide?

 31_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_27-04-20 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 30 / 17 April 2020

New financial and fiscal measures / Noi masuri financiar – fiscale luate in perioada starii de urgenta 

 30_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_17-04-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 29 / 16 April 2020

Facilitati pentru credite – Conventiile privind garantarea dobanzilor suspendate si implementarea acestora

 29_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_16-04-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 28 / 14 April 2020

Starea de urgenta se prelungeste cu 30 de zile

 28_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_14-04-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 27 / 10 April 2020

Military Ordinance 8 dated April 10, 2020 regarding new measures for prevention of COVID-19 spreading / Ordonanta Militara 8 dated 10.04.2020 privind noi masuri de prevenire a raspandirii COVID-19

 27_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_10-04-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 26 / 10 April 2020

Noi reglementari referitoare la aprobarea Certificatului de atestare privind obligatiile la Fondul pentru Mediu

 26_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_10-04-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 25 / 7 April 2020

Normele de aplicare a prevederilor OUG 37 / 2020 privind acordarea unor facilitati pentru creditele acordate de institutii de credit si institutii financiare nebancare anumitor categorii de debitori

 25_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_07-04-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 24 / 5 April 2020

Military Ordinance no. 7 dated April 4, 2020 regarding measures for prevention of COVID-19 spreading / Ordonanta Militara  7 din 04.04.2020 privind masuri de prevenire a raspândirii COVID-19

 24_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_05-04-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 23 / 4 April 2020

Law 37 for the completion of art. 139 of the Law 53 / 2003 (Labor Code) and art. 94 of the National Education Law 1 / 2011 // Legea 37 pentru completarea art. 139 din Legea 53 / 2003 (Codul Muncii) si a art. 94 din Legea Educatiei Nationale 1 / 2011 

 23_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_04-04-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 22 / 4 April 2020

Free days for parents on school vacation during the state of the emergency period / Zile libere pentru parinti si in timpul vacantelor scolare, pe perioada starii de urgenta

 22_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_04-04-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 21 / 31 March 2020

Noi prevederi in domeniul financiar – bancar cu privire la rambursarea creditelor

 21_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_31-03-20 RO

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Tax Alert – No. 20 / 31 March 2020

New tax measures to protect the economy / Noi masuri fiscale pentru protejarea economiei

  20_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_31-03-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 19 / 30 March 2020

Military Ordinance No. 4 / 29 March 2020 regarding new measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 / Ordonanta Militara nr. 4 / 29.03.2020 privind noi masuri de prevenire a raspandirii COVID-19

  19_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_30-03-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 18 / 26 March 2020

Procedure for issuance of state of emergency certificates / Procedura privind acordarea certificatelor de situatii de urgenta

  18_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_26-03-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 17 / 24 March 2020

Military Ordinance No. 3 dated 24 March 2020 regarding new measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 / Ordonanta Militara 3 din 24.03.2020 privind noi masuri de prevenire a raspandirii COVID-19

  17_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_25-03-20 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 16 / 22 March 2020

Economic measures to combat the effects of CoVid 19 / Masuri economice de combatere a efectelor COVID-19

  16_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_22-03-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 15 / 22 March 2020

Military Ordinance no. 2 / 21 March 2020 regarding new measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 /  Ordonanta Militara nr. 2 / 21.03.2020 privind noi masuri de prevenire a raspandirii COVID-19

  15_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_22-03-20 RO_EN 16_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_22-03-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 14 / 21 March 2020

Noutati legislative privind acordarea de zile libere parintilor, in situatia inchiderii temporare a unitatilor de invatamant

  14_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_21-03-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 13 / 21 March 2020

Legislative news in the field of labour, in the context of limitation of the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus  /  Noutati legislative in domeniul muncii in contextul limitării raspandirii coronavirusului COVID-19

  13_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_21-03-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 12 / 19 March 2020

Ordonanta Militara nr. 1 / 2020 – Masuri de prima urgenta in contextul pandemiei de coronvirus

  12_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_19-03-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 11 / 18 March 2020

Decree on the establishment of the state of emergency in the territory of Romania  / Decret privind instituirea starii de urgenta pe teritoriul Romaniei

  11_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_18-03-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 10 / 15 March 2020

Noutati legislative ce privesc acordarea de ZILE LIBERE pentru parinti, in situatia inchiderii temporare a unitatilor de invatamant

  10_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_15-03-20 RO

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Legal Alert – No. 9 / 15 March 2020

Instituirea starii de urgenta pe teritoriul Romaniei in contextul pandemiei de CORONAVIRUS, incepand cu 16 martie 2020

  09_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_15-03-20 RO

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Tax Alert – No. 8 / 17 February 2020

Recent changes to the Fiscal Code / Modificari recente aduse Codului Fiscal

  08_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_17-02-20 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 7 / 10 February 2020

Recent amendments to the Tax Procedure Code / Modificari recente aduse Codului de Procedura Fiscala

  07_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_10-02-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 6 / 7 February 2020

New regulations regarding the declaration of obligations to the Environmental Fund / Noi reglementari privind declararea obligatiilor la Fondul pentru mediu

  06_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_07-02-20 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 5 / 29 January 2020

New regulations on consumer protection Noi reglementari privind protectia consumatorilor

  05_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_29-01-20 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 4 / 22 January 2020

Reminder for Form 402 / Reminder pentru Formularul 402

  04_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_22-01-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 3 / 13 January 2020

Repeal of the VAT Split. Deadline for enforcement / Abrogare Split TVA. Termen aplicare

  03_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_13-01-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 2 / 13 January 2020

Legislative changes regarding the quality in constructions and the building permits / Modificari legislative privind calitatea in constructii si autorizatiile de constructii

  02_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_13-01-20 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 1 / 3 January 2020

EU Directive 2019 / 904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment / Directiva  UE 2019 / 904 privind reducerea impactului anumitor produse din plastic asupra mediului

 01_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_03-01-20 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 19 / 19 December 2019

News about the minimum gross wage in the country guaranteed in payment / Noutati cu privire la salariul minim brut pe tara garantat in plata

 19_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_19-12-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 18 / 11 November 2019

Legislative amendments regarding the authorization of the execution of the construction works / Modificari legislative privind autorizarea executarii lucrarilor de constructii

 18_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_11-11-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 17 / 6 November 2019

Legislative changes regarding the waste regime /  Modificari legislative privind regimul deseurilor

 17_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_06-11-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 16 / 30 September 2019

Changes of the meal vouchers nominal value / Modificarea valorii nominale a tichetelor de masa

 16_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_30-09-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 15 / 19 September 2019

The real beneficiary’s (UBO) legal obligation: declarations, procedure and sanctions / Obligatia legala a beneficiarului real al afacerii: declarații, procedura si sanctiuni

  15_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_19-09-19 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 14 / 22 August 2019

Changes to the garnishment threshold / Modificari plafon poprire

  14_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_22-08-19 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 13 / 7 August 2019

Tax facilities. Restructuring of tax liabilities / Facilitati fiscale. Restructurare obligatii bugetare

  13_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_07-08-19 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 12 / 31 July 2019

Tax incentive – increase in the threshold of sponsorship / Facilitate fiscala – crestere prag de sponsorizare

  12_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_31-07-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 11 / 18 July 2019

New regulation on the prevention and combating of money laundering / Noua reglementare privind prevenirea si combaterea spalarii banilor

  11_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_18-07-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 10 / 16 July 2019

News on the jurisprudence on labor law / Noutati privind jurisprudenta ICCJ in dreptul muncii

  10_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_16-07-19 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 9 / 9 July 2019

The mediation procedure in tax context / Procedura de mediere in context fiscal

  09_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_09-07-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 8 / 31 May 2019

Regulation of Contracts for the Sale of Goods / Reglementarea contractelor privind vanzarea bunurilor

  08_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_31-05-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 7 / 31 May 2019

Regulation of contracts for the supply of digital content / Reglementarea Contractelor privind furnizarea conținutului digital

  07_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_31-05-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 6 / 24 May 2019

Changes at EU level on copyright / Noutati la nivel UE privind drepturile de autor

  06_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_24-05-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 5 / 17 May 2019

News at EU level on the jurisprudence on labor law / Noutati la nivel UE privind jurisprudenta CJUE in Dreptul Muncii

  05_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_17-05-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 4 / 14 May 2019

Changes regarding the parental leave and monthly childraising allowance / Modificari referitoare la concediul si indemnizatia lunara pentru cresterea copiilor

  04_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_14-05-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 3 / 25 April 2019

Changes in the legislation of the activities carried out by day-laborers / Modificari referitoare la legislatia zilierilor

  03_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_25-04-19 RO_EN

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Tax Alert – No. 2 / 23 January 2019

Changes in the tax legislation / Modificari în Legislatia Fiscala

  02_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_23-01-19 RO_EN

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Legal News – No. 1 / 18 January 2019

Changes related to the granting of value tickets (meal vouchers) / Modificari referitoare la acordarea biletelor de valoare (tichete de masa)

  01_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_18-01-19 RO_EN

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Legal Alert – No. 17 / 11 December 2018

Increase of the gross national minimum wage / Modificarea salariului minim brut pe țară

  17_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_11-12-18 RO_EN

Legal News – No. 16 / 12 November 2018

News on the regime of foreigners in Romania / Noutăți cu privire la regimul străinilor în România

  16_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_12-11-18 RO_EN


Legal News – No. 15 / 3 October 2018

Amendments to the Insolvency Law / Modificari ale Legii Insolventei

  15_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_03-10-18 RO_EN

Legal News – No. 14 / 31 July 2018

Law on the implementation of certain articles of the GDPR /  Legea de punere în aplicare a unor articole din GDPR

  14_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_31-07-18 RO_EN

Legal News – No. 13 / 26 July 2018

Legislative changes to waste management / Modificări legislative privind gestionarea deșeurilor

  13_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_26-07-18 RO_EN

Legal News – No. 12 / 19 July 2018

New legislation on internship / Legislație nouă în materie de internship

  12_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_19-07-18 RO_EN

Legal News – No. 11 / 16 July 2018

News on the quarterly payment of dividends / Noutăți cu privire la plata trimestrială a dividendelor

  11_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_16-07-18 RO_EN

Legal Alert – No. 10 / 4 April 2018

Teleworking – a new type of employment relations / Telemunca – o noua modalitate de desfasurare a relatiilor de munca

  10_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_04-04-18 RO_EN

Tax Alert – No. 9 / 26 March 2018

Single tax return. Other changes / Declaratia fiscala unica. Alte modificari fiscale

  09_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_26-03-18 RO_EN

Legal News – No. 8 / 16 March 2018

The last Friday before Easter declared non-working public holiday in Romania / Vinerea mare – ultima zi de vineri inaintea Pastelui,  declarată zi de sarbatoare legala in care nu se lucreaza

  08_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_16-03-18 RO_EN

Legal Alert – No. 7 / 9 February 2018

Payment of social contributions for IT employees / Plata contribuțiilor sociale pentru angajații din IT

  07_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_09-02-18 RO_EN

Legal Alert – No. 6 / 8 February 2018

List of contraventions covered by the Prevention Law / Lista contraventiilor vizate de Legea Prevenirii

  06_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_08-02-18 RO_EN

Legal Alert – No. 5 / 23 January 2018

News on fire protection / Noutati privind apararea impotriva incendiilor

  05_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_23-01-18 RO_EN_FR

Legal News – No. 4 / 22 January 2018

Tax exemption for IT employees / Scutire de impozit pentru angajatii din IT

  04_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_22-01-18 RO_EN_FR

Legal Alert – No. 3 / 16 January 2018

Noutăți privind conturile de plăți în sistemul bancar (RO)

  03_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_16-01-18 RO

Tax Alert – No. 2 / 8 January 2018

VAT split payment / Plata defalcata a TVA (Split TVA) 

 02_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_08-01-17 RO_EN_FR

Legal News – No. 1 / 4 January 2018

Changes to the register of employees / Modificari privind Registrul salariatilor

  01_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_04-01-18 RO_EN_FR

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Legal News – No. 20 / 7 December 2017

Increase of the gross minimum wage

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Legal Alert – No. 19 / 17 November 2017

Obligation to initiate negotiation of collective labor contracts / addenda to collective labor contracts for the implementation of GEO 79/2017

 19_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_17-11-17 RO_EN_FR

Tax Alert – No. 18 / 13 November 2017

Tax revolution – GEO 79/2017

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Tax Alert – No. 17 / 5 September 2017

VAT split and other news from the Fiscal Code

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Legal News – No. 16 / 10 August 2017

Refund of the amounts representing the special tax for motor cars and motor vehicles, pollution tax for motor vehicles, tax for pollutant emissions from motor vehicles and environmental stamp for motor vehicles

  16_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_10-08-17 RO_EN_FR

Legal News – No. 15 / 9 August 2017

Amendments to the Labor Code: Fighting against undeclared work – New sanctions

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Tax Alert – No. 14 / 1 August 2017

Clarifications on certain provisions of the Fiscal Code

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Tax Alert – No. 13 / 31 July 2017

Higher contributions due by employers for certain employees

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Legal Alert – No. 12 / 27 June 2017

News in the field of programmers’ taxation

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Legal News – No. 11 / 23 June 2017

Right to compensation for injured parties in cases of infringements of the competition law provisions

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Legal Alert – No. 10 / 22 June 2017

New procedures for security of immovable property

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Tax News – No. 9 / 16 June 2017

Mandatory reporting for multinationals (implementation of European legislation)Fiscal facility in research, development and innovation activity

 09_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxNews_19-06-17 RO_EN_FR

Legal News – No. 8 / 16 June 2017

New implementing rules for posting of employees

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Legal News – No. 7 / 15 June 2017

Persons registered in the Trade Register will have to change their registration certificates

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Legal News – No. 6 / 29 May 2017

Changes in the legislation of the activities performed by day workers

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Legal News – No. 5 / 3 April 2017

New legislation in the field of transnational posting

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Legal News – No. 4 / 16 February 2017

Procedures for implementing the Law No.102/2016 on business incubators

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Tax Alert – No. 3 / 10 January 2017

Elimination of some fees and taxes starting 1 February 2017

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Tax Alert – No. 2 / 10 January 2017

News concerning the Tax Code

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Tax Alert – No. 1 / 9 January 2017

Summary of the Tax Code amendments applicable as of 1 January 2017

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Tax Alert – No. 18 / 12 December 2016

Amendments of the Tax Code

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 Legal News – No. 17 / 7 December 2016

The value of meal vouchers increased to 15 lei

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Legal News – No. 16 / 21 November 2016

1 June declared non-working public holiday

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Legal News – No. 15 / 14 October 2016

24 January declared non-working public holiday

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Legal News – No. 14 / 19 August 2016

EU Directive on Trade Secrets

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Legal News – No. 13 / 11 August 2016

New case of suspension of the individual employment contract: adoption-related leave

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Legal News – No. 12 / 30 May 2016

Business Incubators Law

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Legal News – No. 11 / 23 May 2016

New European regulation on personal data protection

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Legal News – No. 10 / 16 May 2016

New rules regarding entry in the Register of Intra-community Operators

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Legal News – No. 9 / 5 May 2016

Changes to the Child-Rearing Leave and Benefit

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Special Legal Newsletter – 28 March 2016

Transposing the 2014/17/EU Directive

 Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_Special Issue Banking_28-03-16 RO_EN

Legal Alert – No. 8 / 8 March 2016

Obligații noi în sarcina retailerilor on-line

 08_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_08-03-16 RO

Legal Alert – No. 7 / 1 March 2016

Strictly forbidden to condition the rights consumers related to the purchased products upon keeping the package!

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Legal News – No. 6 / 15 February 2016

Cases in Which Taxpayers May Be Declared Inactive by Tax Authorities

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Legal Alert – No. 5 / 12 February 2016

Recent changes in the Competition Law

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Legal News – No. 4 / 10 February 2016

Amendment of the Code of Civil Procedure

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Legal News – No. 3 / 5 February 2016

The European Parliament and the Council issued a new Directive on trade marks

 03_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_05-02-16 RO_EN

Legal News – No. 2  / 5 February 2016

EC Regulation on Community trademarks has been substantially amended

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Legal Alert – No. 1  / 3 February 2016

Changes on the law of guarantees

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Tax Alert  – No. 42  / 4 November 2015

The New Tax Code and the New Tax Procedure Code Amended

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Legal Alert  – No. 41  / 4 November 2015

New Legal Provisions regarding the Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste

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Tax Alert  – No. 40  / 27 October 2015

Tax Incentives Relative to Penalties for Late Payment and 54.2% of the Penalty Interest

 40_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_27-10-15 RO_EN_FR

Legal Alert  – No. 39  / 22 October 2015

Reglementări noi privind planul de pază al obiectivelor proprii

  39_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_22-10-15 RO (Romanian version only)

Tax Alert  – No. 38  / 5 October 2015

The New Tax Code and the Provisions Regarding the Bookkeeping Methods of Reflecting the Main Operations Related to Merger, Division, Dissolution and Liquidation of Companies

  38_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_05-10-15 RO_EN_FR

Legal Alert  – No. 37  / 15 September 2015

Judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union on Working Time

  37_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_15-09-15 RO_EN_FR

Special Legal Newsletter – Pharma / 8 September 2015

Arbitral Procedure for the Settlement of Litigious Issues between Providers of Medical Services, Medicines and Medical Devices and Health Insurance Agencies

  Duncea Stefanescu_LegalNews_Pharma_08-09-15 RO_EN

Tax Alert – No. 36 / 4 August 2015

Registration for VAT Purposes and the Software Development Activity

  36_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_04-08-15 RO_EN_FR

Tax Alert – No. 35 / 29 July 2015

New Tax Procedure Code and Central Tax Commission’s Decision on CASS Payable for Gains from Usufruct / Lease

  35_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_29-07-15 RO_EN_FR

Legal Alert – No. 34 / 27 July 2015

One working day off yearly for child’s medical examination

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Tax Alert – No. 33 / 22 July 2015

Cancellation of Some Tax Obligations and Other Amendments to the Tax Legislation

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Legal Alert – No. 32 / 22 July 2015

Elimination of stamp

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Tax Alert – No. 31 / 14 July 2015

Financial Reporting System of 30 June 2015 and Changes to Accounting Regulations

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Legal Alert – No. 30 / 14 July 2015

Legislative changes for the amendment and supplementation of certain regulatory acts on companies

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Tax Alert – No. 29 / 9 July 2015

Tax Code – Amendments to the Provisions Referring to Independent Activities

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Legal Alert – No. 28 / 9 July 2015

Legal provisions regarding transnational posting of employees amended

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Tax Alert – No. 27 / 8 July 2015

Legal provisions regarding tip abrogated

  27_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_08-07-15 RO_EN_FR

Legal News – No. 26 / 6 July 2015

Implementing Regulation of the European Commission on the modalities to exercise the functions of the online dispute resolution platform, using extrajudicial methods

  26_Duncea Stefanescu_Legal News_06-07-15 RO_EN_FR

Legal Alert – No. 25 / 1 July 2015

Higher national minimum wage

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Legal News – No. 24 / 26 June 2015

Directive 107 – mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation for financial institutions

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Legal Alert – No. 23 / 23 June 2015

Right of the Employer to suspend the employment agreement, following a criminal complaint against the Employee – declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL

  23_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_23-06-15 RO_EN_FR

Tax Alert – No. 22 / 12 June 2015

Legislative changes in the field of road transport

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Tax Alert – No. 21 / 4 June 2015

Other Legislative Amendments: Accounting Law and Meal Tickets Value

  21_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_04-06-15 RO_EN_FR

Legal Alert – No. 20 / 4 June 2015

Law on the Stimulation of Business Angels

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Legal Alert – No. 19 / 3 June 2015

Amendments to Law No 11 / 1991 Regarding the Fight against Unfair Competition

  19_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_03-06-15 RO_EN_FR

Tax Alert – No. 18 / 29 May 2015

Methodological Norms for the Application of the Tax Code and the Value of Kindergarten Tickets

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Tax Alert – No. 17 / 19 May 2015

Procedure for the reimbursement of unduly paid amounts

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Legal Alert – No. 16 / 8 May 2015

Change in legislation on the weekly rest

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Tax Alert – No. 15 / 5 May 2015

Personal Finance Register

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Tax Alert – No. 14 / 29 April 2015

Regulation of Tips

  14_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_29-04-15 RO_EN_FR

Legal Special Alert  on Competition / 24 April 2015

EU Competition Commissioner Announces Intention to Launch an Inquiry into the Community E-commerce Sector

  Duncea Stefanescu_Legal Special Alert_Competition_24-04-15

Tax Alert  – No. 13 /  16 April 2015

Amendment of the Tax Code and Lower VAT Rate on Food

  13_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_16-04-15

Tax & Legal Alert  – No. 12 / 9 April 2015

Cash Payments and Receipts. Modern Payment Systems

  12_Duncea Stefanescu_Tax&LegalAlert_09-04-15

Legal Special Alert – Retail / 27 March 2015

Changes in legislation regarding retail sale

  Duncea Stefanescu_Legal Special Alert_retail_27-03-15

Legal Alert  –  No. 11 / 23 March 2015

Withholding of the good conduct bond / guarantee – Unconstitutional

  11_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_23-03-15

Tax Alert  –  No. 10 / 27 February 2015

News Concerning the Single-Entry Bookkeeping

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Tax Alert  –  No. 9 / 24 February 2015

New Tax Amendments

  09_Duncea Stefanescu_TaxAlert_24-02-15

Legal Alert  –  No. 8 / 4 February 2015

Amendments of the rules regarding drivers’ driving time, breaks and rest time, and the use of recording equipment in their activity

  08_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_04-02-15

Legal Alert  –  No. 7 / 30 January 2015

New Amendments to the Tax Code (income tax, VAT, social health insurance contribution; the consumer price index used for the adjustment of advance payments for profit tax in 2015)

  07_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_30-01-15

Legal Alert  –  No. 6 / 29 January 2015

Other Amendments of the Tax and Accounting Legislation (daily allowance for business trips and secondment; annual financial statements and reports)

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Legal Alert  –  No. 5 / 22 January 2015

Amendments of the Labour Code (length of service, temporary employee’s salary, annual leave)

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Legal Alert  –  No. 4 / 22 January 2015

New Tax Amendments (VAT forms, methodological norms for the application of the tax code)

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Legal Alert  –  No. 3 / 16 January 2015

Amendments to the Tax Code and Other Legislative Acts (tax on construction, VAT)

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Legal Alert  –  No. 2 / 9 January 2015

Amendments to the Tax and Accounting Laws at the end of 2014 (instructions for the filling-in and submission of form 394; amendment of form 230; electronic cash registers; gambling and the tax code; special VAT treatment of electronic, telecommunication, radio and television broadcasting services; accounting regulations; average gross salary used in substantiating the state social security budget; profit tax return)

  02_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_09-01-15

Legal Alert  –  No. 1 / 5 January 2015

Amendments to Consumer Protection Legislation on Measures for Consumer Information

  01_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_05-01-15


Legal Alert  –  No. 9 / 18 December 2014

Amendments to the Tax Code, Other Legislative Acts and Accounting Law (income tax, VAT, excise duties, compulsory social security contributions; amendments to law no 95/2006,regarding health care reform; government ordinance 92/2003 regarding the tax procedure code)

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Legal Alert  –  No. 8 / 12 December 2014

Amendment of the National Minimum Wage

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Legal Alert  –  No. 7 / 21 November 2014

Meal tickets & crèche tickets values starting November 2014

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Legal Alert  –  No. 6 / 20 November 2014

Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions in Cases of Infringement of the Antitrust Law

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Legal Alert  –  No. 5 / 20 November 2014

Intrastat thresholds in 2015

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Legal Alert  –  No. 4 / 14 November 2014

Recent Amendments on Fighting Unfair Competition and Antitrust Legislation

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Legal Alert  –  No. 3 / 5 November 2014

Amendments of the Competition Council to the Economic Concentration Regulation

  03_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_05-11-14

Legal Alert  –  No. 2 / 20 October 2014

Instructions for the Application of Title IX of the Tax Procedure Code, regarding the Handling of Objections to Tax Administrative Acts

  02_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_20-10-14

Legal Alert  –  No. 1 / 25 September 2014

New values of social security contributions

  01_Duncea Stefanescu_LegalAlert_25-09-14